The TJC Presidential Honors Program: is it right for you?

As a high school senior, I vividly remember graduating uncertain of where my scholastic career would take me. Today I am proud to say that due in part to the wonderful honors program I discovered here at TJC, I am a TJC apache.

Everybody talks about the benefits of private college – the small classes, the intimate attention from the professors, the close-knit community. I found all of these qualities and more the day I walked into Professor Button’s freshman Honors Colloquium class. From day one he challenged us, expected us to bring our best efforts to class, and pushed us to think critically and analyze the world we thought we knew.

My classes that semester were fun and exciting, and I loved that I was able to take major specific and honors classes simultaneously. I was lucky enough to have Professor Funk for my colloquium breakout sessions, and it’s not an exaggeration to say I often left that class contemplating various aspects of my existence.

As my year continued, I had the opportunity to experience the instruction of several other honors professors. I quickly recognized I wanted to be part of the quality academic engagement that I experienced in their classrooms.

Being part of the TJC honors program opens up a whole host of opportunities for the students who participate in it.

Being part of the TJC honors program opens up a whole host of opportunities for the students who participate in it.

Honors students have the chance to live in the Honors Living and Learning Community located inside the Ornelas Residential Complex. Here, students of all interests reside together with the honors program forming a bond of commonality between them.

While I consider the honors professors here at TJC great resources, living in this community meant that the students and peers who were capable of challenging and supporting me academically were my next-door neighbors. I had finally found the close-knit community of high-quality students that I had been searching for.

The TJC Honors Program has definitely enhanced my college experience. I take more than the required number of honors classes because I have experienced the quality that they offer. I choose to be part of this program because of the unique academic and service opportunities it continues to provide for students.

As I look back to those high school days full of uncertain decision making, the only thing I regret is that I didn’t choose the TJC honors program sooner.


Karina is the TJC Marketing student assistant. She's also a student in the Presidential Honors program.