Not sure what to major in? Take these free quizzes!

I remember being completely overwhelmed by the idea of choosing a career when I started college. I had a few ideas of what I thought I might like, but mostly I felt totally lost. One thing that helped me as a student was taking career quizzes to see what jobs that were out there could fit my personality, likes and dislikes!

If you are overwhelmed too, here’s the good news: You aren’t the only college student trying to figure this out, and there are resources to help you. Career assessments ask you questions about what you are good at and what you like to help determine what jobs could be interesting and engaging for you. Follow these instructions to create a free Focus 2 account using the access code: apache. The results will give you job options that contain information about job outlook, salary and day-to-day operations in this field. 

Take all 5 brief quizzes and then combine your results to find great job options! 

Work Interests

Answer questions about what tasks you would enjoy (and how much)! The results give you something called a work interest Holland code—this code helps explain what you do and don’t like to do.


Your likes and dislikes are keys to what kind of work environment you could thrive in. Do you like to work independently or in groups? Do you make decisions by thinking things over on your own or externally processing (aka, talking about it a lot) to others?


The leisure quiz will help you understand more about what is fun for you outside of the working environment—and the final combined assessment will help you add those fun things into your daily job!


To me, your values are the most important factor in choosing a career. Ultimately, you will make a difference in this world through your actions. If your daily 8 a.m.-5 p.m. actions and interactions go against what you believe to be important, you will leave work drained and disappointed. If your values are supported in your job, you will be able to push through difficult tasks knowing that you are doing what you believe to be important.


What do you think you’re good at? Answer this question confidently and choose your best three skills from the categories—chances are, you probably like to do these things too!

Finally, combine your assessments!

Choose which categories to combine from the quizzes you took, and it will show you the occupation, outlook, supporting major, salary and more for these job options!

Focus 2 is one of the best ways to compare different career options and find out more about whether or not that career could be the best for you! Once you have completed the Focus 2 assessment, you even have the option to meet for free with TJC Career Planning in the White Administrative Services Center to get help interpreting your results.

You are not alone in trying to figure out what’s next. We want to walk through it with you and help you find a career that helps you meet your personal goals and ambitions. Check out the Career Planning Student Guide!

Contact Sherry Fuller in Career Planning with further questions and for more help!
